Pregnancy and Postpartum Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Pack


The pregnancy and postpartum pelvic floor rehabilitation pack allows a comprehensive approach to the weakening of the perineal muscles and the pelvic floor during this important stage of life.

SKU: RSP 004 Category:


It is well known that pregnancy and childbirth is a critical moment that influences the future muscle tone of the pelvic floor musculature.

How does pregnancy influence the pelvic floor?

In pregnancy there are hormonal and anatomical changes.

The hormonal changes They can change characteristics such as the elasticity and strength of the tissues, including the muscles and meshes that support the pelvic floor.

On the other hand, pressure changes secondary to the increase in the size of the uterus and abdomen imply adaptations of the woman's position. This fact is related to a greater risk of injury and distention of the tissues and musculature of the pelvic floor.

At the time of delivery, with the descent of the baby's head vaginally, changes can also occur in the pelvic floor with future repercussions on its strength and function.

The need, on some occasions, to practice episiotomy in the vaginal delivery, as well as difficulties in its repair, can also negatively influence the future health of the pelvic floor.

Carry out prevention and exercises that strengthen this perineal area is to invest in the prevention of future gynecological pathologies, such as genital prolapse and urinary incontinence.

What does the pregnancy and postpartum pelvic floor rehabilitation pack include?

El pregnancy and postpartum pelvic floor rehabilitation pack it includes a first visit, which is carried out already during the pregnancy, and two successive visits that are carried out once the woman has already had her baby.

What does the pregnancy and postpartum pelvic floor rehabilitation pack include?

A general prenatal orientation, while the woman is pregnant, is the best way to perform pelvic floor rehabilitation.

Subsequently, depending on the delivery, the orientation of the Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation is individually oriented.

Alba Pérez, the team's physiotherapist, is a specialist in pelvic floor rehabilitation.

The visits are made in the external consultations of the Dra. Gómez Roig Institute located at the Corachan Clinic in Barcelona.

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